Lowndes County School System has arranged for the purchase of additional optional insurance for the student
Chromebooks. The insurance policy will expire at the end of the school year, and it can be renewed each year. Parents
will be responsible for purchasing the insurance or waiving the purchase of insurance for the Chromebook and charger
before October 1st. Students/Parents who fail to purchase Chromebook insurance before October 1st will be considered
uninsured by default. There are two different policies available.
Policy A for $35 (nonrefundable) covers the following:
- Repair Incident 1 - NO charge
- Repair Incident 2 - NO charge
- Repair Incident 3 and beyond - Students will pay for the cost of repairs based on the prices listed.
- Total loss of the student Chromebook (only available for ONE device) such as but not limited
to unintentional loss, theft, burglary, robbery, fire/flood damage, natural disasters, power surge
due to lightning, damage/corrosion/rust due to liquids or foods, damage due to humidity or
temperature, insect or animal damage, or any other damage the school system deems
appropriate. The device should be returned no matter the state if possible. The student
will pay half of the price of a new device and case which would be $100.
Policy B for $20 (nonrefundable) covers the following:
- Repair Incident 1 - NO charge
- Repair Incident 2 - NO charge
- Repair Incident 3 and beyond - Students will pay for the cost of repairs based on the prices listed.
- Total loss of the student Chromebook such as but not limited to unintentional loss, theft,
burglary, robbery, fire/flood damage, natural disasters, power surge due to lightning,
damage/corrosion/rust due to liquids or foods, damage due to humidity or temperature, insect
or animal damage, or any other damage the school system deems appropriate. The device
should be returned no matter the state if possible. The student will pay the full price of a
new device and case which would be $200.